Consumer Subject Area Manager and Attorney, Eric Soller talks about debt collection, how debt collectors are going to collect from you, and what do you do if you are being sued for this debt. Listen in as Eric breaks down the process of debts and debt collectors so you can have the best chance at success.
Struggling to make ends meet? Hounded by collection calls? Wondering if these debt consolidation advertisements are scams? Are you considering bankruptcy as an option? A working understanding of your budget can help answer all of these and other questions you may have.
Listen in as Attorney Eric Soller covers budgeting basics, does a breakdown to make it more relatable, and talks about how your income relates to bankruptcy.
Debt and Bankruptcy
Debt Collection | Debt Collection Lawsuits | Medical Debt |
Automobile Leases and Financing | Service Contracts | Credit Cards | Mobile Home Leases and Financing | Home Improvements | Credit Repair and Credit Report Disputes | Student Loan Debt Harassment | Vehicle Repossession | Arbitration Disputes | Rent-to-Own Personal Property Disputes | Title Pawnshops | Payday Lending | Identity Theft | Wage and Bank Garnishment | Withholding, Suspension, or Revocation of a Driver’s License | Insurance Denial of Claims | Public Utility Disconnections
Attorney Riley Cauley talks about "Student Loans" with KARV radio (93.1 FM) host Johnny Story. If you want to know about student loans, from the most current updates on repayments to public student loan forgiveness to common scams, then visit or click the image above.
Attorneys Ryan Hill and Doug Cortes talk with KABF (88.3 FM) radio host John S. about sealing your criminal record and re-establishing your credit. Ryan addresses the steps of sealing your criminal record, what you can and can't seal and what to do if your record shows up after you seal it. Doug addresses the importance of knowing your credit report, where to get your report for free, what options are available to you, and if needed what Bankruptcy can and cannot offer you. Visit and find this image to hear all the information.