Learn More About Us
The Center for Arkansas Legal Services (CALS) is a nonprofit law firm founded in 1965 that provides free civil (non-criminal) legal services to low-income Arkansans. CALS is headquartered in Little Rock and serves 44 counties (geographically 60% of the state) of the 75 counties in Arkansas. The counties we cover include- Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Clark, Cleveland, Columbia, Conway, Crawford, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Faulkner, Franklin, Garland, Grant, Hempstead, Hot Spring, Howard, Jefferson, Johnson, Lafayette, Lincoln, Little River, Logan, Lonoke, Miller, Montgomery, Nevada, Ouachita, Perry, Pike, Polk, Pope, Prairie, Pulaski, Saline, Scott, Sebastian, Sevier, Union, White, and Yell.
Improve Economic Stability & Conditions
Protect Families & Children
Ensure Habitable, Affordable Housing
Advocate for the Needs of Vulnerable Populations & Communities
To defend the legal rights and work for systemic solutions to balance the scales of justice for low-income people and communities.
CALS By the Numbers
Demonstrated Need
Income Statistics
426,405 eligible Arkansans in poverty
17.2% of Arkansans
Arkansas Median Household Income in 2018
Arkansas is the 7th most impoverished state in the union.
According to the Census Bureau
Serving Arkansas
Organization Specifics
59 Employees
28 Staff Attorneys
4 Paralegals
12 Non-Attorney Staff
512 Pro Bono Attorney Volunteers
430 Donors
2019 Clinics
1 Divorce
1 Flood
1 Seniors
5 Criminal Record Sealings
6 Lawyer in the Library
12 Veterans Legal Assistance Programs
Client Specifics
27,934 Helpline Calls Received
18,003 Completed Intake Calls
1,831 Online Intakes
Non-LSC Funding:
Case Statistics
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