Family Subject Area Manager Jeffery Thomas discusses "How to Prepare for a Pro Se Trial" with Communication Specialist Malik DuHart. He talks about- what is a pro se divorce, what do I wear when I go to court, and what does the judge expect, plus much more.

Arkansas Legal Attorney Britnie Byers explains the basics of a minor guardianship, situations where it would be necessary, and how to file it. She takes you step-by-step and answers your questions along the way.

Thinking about getting a divorce? Concerned that the divorce process is too tricky? Not sure if you have grounds for a divorce?

Attorney Cheyenne Pearce gives a basic breakdown about what a simple divorce is, the ways you can get divorced in Arkansas, and how you can start the process on your own.

Attorney Jennifer Stone, from our El Dorado office, talks with KABF (88.3 FM) radio host John S. about the divorce process and how to address issues that may arise. If you would like to know more about this topic, visit or click on the image above.

This program is made available through the courtesy of It Could Be You & KABF 88.3 FM Community Radio, Little Rock, Arkansas, “The Voice of the People.”

Family Law

Order of Protection | Emergency Divorce | Child Custody | Paternity | Post Decree | Child support | Dependency Neglect | Victim’s Assistance | Adoptions | Adult Guardianships | Minor Guardianships |
Child Maltreatment Registry | Name Change

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“Protect Yo'self: Let’s talk about the 3 Different Types of Protective Orders in Arkansas.”

Attorney Catherine Demailly talks about the three types of protective orders in Arkansas, their differences, and how they can protect you.

-No Contact Order
-Restraining Order
-Order of Protection

“Arkansas Order of Protection.” Attorney Emily Paul talks about what an Order of Protection is, what the qualifications are, and what the next steps are. Plus, a walkthrough on filling out an order of protection petition and affidavit.


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