“Help YourSelf: Community Resources Directory,” is a highly specialized information dissemination publication’ aimed at three objectives: Deliver accurate information in an ‘easy access’ format about a wide variety of ‘help yourself’ programs directly to disadvantaged persons and also to ‘good-works’ service providers.
Publish topical factual information addressing core issues of social success, i.e.: remediation of homelessness, therapeutic intervention, pro-active self-directed behavior modification, parenting skills, training for gainful employment, etc.
Build a ‘model business operation’ which equips workers with skill-set training, covers its own costs, and equitably compensates workers by producing a high-quality publication that serves as an effective ‘restorative justice’ outreach tool for every individual and/or organization aligned to these principles.
Housing and Rentals
Foreclosure | Notice of default | Eviction Defense | Affordable Housing | Habitability/Quiet Enjoyment | Tenant Associations | Banning-and-Trespass Lists | Security Deposits | Self-Help Evictions |
Failure to Vacate | Unlawful Detainer | Rent-to-Own | Reverse Mortgages | Home Equity Loans | Condemnation/Eminent Domain | Adverse Possession | Boundary Disputes | Heir Property | Quiet Title | Housing Discrimination
Help for homeowners, renters, and landlords during the coronavirus national emergency.
HOMEOWNERS- Learn about options to help your situation, like repaying any amount not paid during forbearance, avoiding foreclosure, and maintaining your reverse mortgage.
RENTERS- Federal, state, and local governments are offering relief. See options to avoid eviction, get rental assistance, and understand your rights.
LANDLORDS- If you've lost rental income, you may be struggling to pay your mortgage and other costs. See alternatives to eviction and get help.
Find help for your situation: www.consumerfinance.gov/coronavirus/mortgage-and-housing-assistance
Want to know more about Habitability and Safety issues when renting? Renting seems dangerous in Arkansas; is it?
What rights do renters have in Arkansas?
If you want answers to these questions and more, then watch Civil Conversations where our Housing Subject Area Manager, Kendall Lewellen, discusses "Staying Healthy While Renting: Habitability and Safety Issues," with Communication Specialist Malik DuHart.
If you or someone you know is facing an eviction, could be facing an eviction, or is unsure of the eviction process, then let us help!
Attorney Caroline Turner talks about what an eviction looks like from start to finish and includes key tips on knowing when you are being evicted and when you should seek legal help. She also talks about when your landlord could bring an eviction against you and what your defenses are.
If you want to know what the legal eviction process is and what your rights are as a tenant when you find yourself in an eviction, then watch the video above.
Want to buy a house you saw on Facebook? Are you thinking about doing a rent-to-own option for your next house? Found a great place to rent online but can't find a good contact? Be careful; they might be a scam.
Attorney Kale Anderson talks about what rental and real estate scams are, what kinds of housing scams are out there, and how to make sure the house/property you are buying or renting is legal and not a scam.
Buying a USED car? Moving to a new apartment? Worried about car dealers trying to “trick” you? Want to know what your rights are as a tenant?
Attorneys Kendall Lewellen and Helen Newberry speak about “as-is car purchases” and renters issues on KABF 88.3FM's "The Voice of the People," with radio host John.
They talk about buying a used vehicle, extended warranties, and deceptive sales practices. They will also talk about rental housing with a focus on legal rights and how to enforce them, as well as health and safety issues, rent-to-own/seller financing issues, and income-based housing.
You can also listen to KABF Live anytime at https://www.kabf.org